GCCS Library

What do our school libraries do?

  • Provide a safe, inviting, dynamic literacy environment 
  • Inspire curiosity and learning
  • Engage students with all kinds of literature
  • Connect students to materials they want to read
  • Create lifelong learners
Two students reading together

The basics of how we run:

  • No late fees
  • Students need to return books that are out before they check out new ones
  • Books that are lost or damaged need to be paid for. The library specialist can tell you the replacement cost.
  • Students can take discarded books for free. The barcodes are marked out with a D.
  • We accept donations of books and magazines! If the title you donate is not needed in the library collection, it may be offered to classroom libraries or other libraries in the district.

We are partnered with the Jeffersonville Township Public Library to provide a digital library card to every student that gives them access to all their online resources! Students go to https://jefflibrary.org/, click on Account, and log in with their 6 digit ID number.

Child looking for book

Find a book!

  • Everyone can search our library collections and see individual school information. Students log in to their school site with their 6-digit number and Chromebook password to access the eBooks and place holds.

    Need an idea for what to read? Books that Hook You!

    GoodReads.com has an ongoing poll “What book got you hooked?” Click here to view it. Count on one of these to get any reluctant reader hooked!
    • Harry Potter
    • Little House on the Prairie
    • Charlotte’s Web
    • The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
    • Twilight

    Need books you can read online? Click this link to access e-book resources.

shelves of library books

Do you have a concern about library materials?

If you would like to request the removal of materials found in a school library, you may use the form linked below. Forms may be completed by a parent or guardian of a Greater Clark County Schools student, or a resident residing in the of the geographical boundaries of the school district. 

Meet your librarian!

Charlestown High School: Sara Johnson

Sara JohnsonMy name is Sara Johnson and I am the Library Media Specialist here at Charlestown High School.  I have been teaching in the Charlestown community since 2008 and I love being a media specialist because I get to bring adventure from the world and beyond to the readers of Charlestown.  My current favorite authors to share include:  Natasha Preston, Neal Shusterman, and Jeff Zentner.

Charlestown Middle School: Christy Riley

I am the media specialist at Charlestown Middle School. While new to Greater Clark County Schools, I have a business degree and run a nonprofit in Southern Indiana that emphasizes STEAM, Maker, and Entrepreneurship education for students and adults in our community. I am excited to incorporate STEAM learning principles in the CMS library and inspire the students to love reading and be creative! Learning can be so fun! My favorite books to read are historical fiction or fantasy books that have a romantic twist!

Franklin Square Elementary: Bill Kelly

Born and raised in Florida. Love the cold weather, go figure. My daughter currently goes to school here. I have always dreamed of working with kids and this is my very first role as a librarian. My goal and dream is to help everyone find ways to use their imagination. Whether it be through books, games, coloring, or any other source of media. Once a child starts being creative, watch them take off.

Jeffersonville High School: Lauren Russell

Jeffersonville High School: Lauren Russell

Jonathan Jennings Elementary: Amanda Adams

I have been working with Jonathan Jennings for 4 years now as a Paraeducator. I was so excited for this opportunity to become a Media Specialist! It’s definitely challenging some areas but extremely rewarding being in this role. I am so grateful to be a part of this amazing school!

New Washington Elementary: Sandy Smith

I really enjoy seeing kids learn to read and seeing the expressions on their faces–how proud they are when they get it. I like to see kids come out of their shell when they talk about a good book. I love to give the older kids the opportunity to teach the younger kids and give back. I love to give kids the push they need and I like to make sure no kids get left out. They all need to be recognized and heard.

New Washington Middle-High School: Jacquilyn Walker

Jacquilyn WalkerI’ve always been a bookworm and lover of libraries. Many of my favorite books are fantasy. I recently moved to New Wash, and I’m excited to get to share my love for books and reading with the students here.

Northaven Elementary: Janie Ison

Janie Ison

I have been the librarian at Northaven for 6 years. I love seeing the kids’ faces when they are able to find that just right book to read. My only hope is that I help them learn that everyone can find a book that they will enjoy. 

Books can take us around the world without ever leaving our rooms.

Parkwood Elementary: Michele McGloshen

Michele McGloshenI’ve been at Parkwood for 6 years. I’ve been married 41 years, mother of 2, and grandma of 3. I’m here because of the kids, to put a book in their hands. Reading is knowledge. If you can’t read, you can’t go anywhere! 

Parkview Middle School: Maria Tosh

Maria ToshI am the media clerk at Parkview Middle School. My main job is keeping students provided with working chromebooks. I am originally from Northeast Pennsylvania and have lived in Indiana for 5 ½ years. I have a grown daughter and a grown son. My daughter lives in NYC and my son lives in Pennsylvania. I have a dog named Teddy, he is a yorkipoo and I am getting married in July, 2022.  I love to read, my favorite genre is historical fiction and my favorite authors are Jodi Picoult and Wally.

Pleasant Ridge Elementary: Michelle Corder

I find great joy in engaging with students and encouraging the next generation to be lifelong learners and readers as the Media Specialist at Pleasant Ridge Elementary School in Charlestown. I spent 11 years as a homeschool mom to three and three years as a GCCS substitute before joining the PRES staff. I am an avid reader drawn to British writers such as Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell as well as historical fiction. In addition to reading, I enjoy time with family, yoga, walking, genealogy and language learning.

River Valley Middle School: Dawn Krabbe

My name is Dawn Kavanaugh Krabbe. I am the media specialist at River Valley Middle School and this is my second year as the media specialist. I enjoy reading lots of different genres but my favorite is mysteries and a few of my favorite authors are Edgar Allan Poe, Toni Morrison, Mike Lupica, and John Steinbeck. My goal is to get more students into reading!

Riverside Elementary: Susan Harrington

Susan HarringtonMy name is Susan Harrington and I am the Library Media Specialist at Riverside Elementary School. I also teach computer science and manage the Chromebooks. I was hired on at Riverside in October 2012. One of my favorite books from when I was in Elementary school is A Dog Called Kitty by Bill Wallace. Another favorite from elementary school is The Lottery Rose by Irene Hunt. Favorite books I enjoy reading to the Riverside students are Dragon Masters Series, Eerie Elementary Series, Sammy Keyes Series, Fly Guy, Biscuit, and many more.

Thomas Jefferson Elementary: Christa Thompson

I Have over 25 years of experience with children. I love reading. I love music. I love getting to see the kids explore new books to read and finding authors they love and watching them be able to find books for themselves. Reading builds imagination, confidence, the ability to follow directions, and it’s just fun!

Utica Elementary: Sarah Polete

I have been at Utica for 4 years and this is my first year as the Media Clerk. I feel so lucky that both my boys are here, and they have such wonderful teachers and support staff surrounding them. 

Mysteries are my favorite genre. I enjoy promoting nonfiction or fiction mystery books like The Loch-Ness Monster, Nate the Great, Scooby Doo, or 39 Clues to the kids. However, my goal is to help the kids find any genre of book that sparks their interests, answers their questions, teaches them, or inspires them to try something new.

Wilson Elementary: Dana Bailey

Dana BaileyI am really excited to be joining the media specialist team at Greater Clark County Schools! I enjoy drinking hot tea with honey, arts and crafts, and, of course, reading! I currently have a collection of Newbury Award winners that I am working through starting with the very first one. I am looking forward to sharing my love for books with these students and getting them as excited about reading as I am.

Elementary Coordinator: Kimberly Karnes

I was hired by Greater Clark in 1997 to be the library teacher at Parkwood and Utica Elementary Schools. I was the library media specialist at my assigned schools through 2021. I loved connecting students with books and lighting that fire to read in them. My best times were when I was reading aloud and we were all experiencing the stories together. Now I’m the Elementary Library and Technology Coordinator, traveling around to all ten elementary schools, working with the specialists. I enjoy giving them the tools and skills and resources to be the best library teachers their students have ever had. It is a joy to see them connecting with their students and lighting that love of reading in them.

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