GCCS Transportation Policy and Procedures:
Who Rides and Where
- Transportation is determined by a student’s home address.
- Students may be picked up at their childcare address if: a) the childcare address is within the same boundary as the home address; and b) the childcare address is within distance guidelines for transportation service.
- GCCS does not allow alternating addresses during the week. Students are allowed one pick up location and one drop off location every day. In other words, the morning address and the afternoon address can be different such as home in the morning and daycare in the afternoon. All stops must be within the boundaries of the school the student attends. In the interest of keeping our students safe, we can no longer accommodate complex schedules involving multiple stops.
- GCCS will pick up a child from one location in the morning and drop him or her off at another in the evening as long as both stops are within the same school boundary. Buses are only to stop at the authorized stops on designated routes.
- Stop locations may change periodically based on the student population, demographics, and physical conditions of the area served.
- Students must ride on their assigned bus, to their assigned stop. All stops are assigned by the Director of Transportation or designee.
- Students must be at their assigned stop location five (5) minutes before the scheduled pickup time.
- Non-students, including parents, are not permitted on a school bus without explicit consent from a school official. Entering without permission constitutes criminal trespass, a class D Felony. (I.C. 35-43-2-2).
- Bus drivers are not authorized to assign or change bus stops.
- Students are not allowed to ride to (or from) another student’s home/ bus stop. Emergencies will be considered and approved by the Director of Transportation or the student’s principal.
- Bus stop change requests should be directed to the transportation office by using the GCCS website. Go here.
- For those eligible, all bus stops shall be within .3 mile of a student’s home for elementary and middle school students and .4 mile for high school students.
- Preschool and students who utilize SPED transportation must have a designated, responsible greeter at the stop when the bus arrives to drop off. If the greeter is not at the stop when the bus arrives, the child will be taken back to the school. If the greeter is not at the bus stop 3 or more days, transportation will be suspended for one week. Parents may complete a waiver form, relinquishing this obligation. Contact the transportation office to obtain this form, 812-288-4809.
- In order to preserve the safety and welfare of student riders, it is imperative that all students obey the rules of the bus, the bus driver, and the school. The bus is considered an extension of the school. All school rules apply. Not following the safety rules below may result in students being denied busing privileges and disciplined by school officials. Go to GCCS transportation department’s web page to view the rules.
Greater Clark provides students with safe equipment and capable drivers, but our program depends
upon you, students and parents. SAFETY is the paramount consideration in the operation of a school vehicle.
Transportation is for regularly enrolled students, grades kindergarten to 12 (excluding noon arriving and
departing students).
1. Arrive at your stop five (5) minutes ahead of scheduled pick-up time.
2. Never run alongside the bus. Wait until the bus stops to board. Students living on the opposite side of the road should wait on their side until the driver gives them the signal to cross (thumbs up) in front of the bus.
3. Keep the roadway clear of books, clothing, etc. DO NOT PLAY IN THE ROAD.
4. Students fighting, using profanity, or making obscene gestures to the public are subject to disciplinary action.
1. Please obey the driver. The driver is in complete charge of the vehicle.
2. Please be seated immediately and remain seated while the vehicle is in motion. The driver will assign seats.
DO NOT mar, deface, or cut seats.
3. Students will ENTER and LEAVE the bus ONLY when it comes to a complete stop and the door has been opened by the driver. STUDENTS WILL NOT LEAVE BY THE EMERGENCY DOOR unless instructed by the driver.
4. For safety reasons, no objects will be placed in the aisle, emergency exits, or doorways. No large objects (including band instruments) that interfere with the seating of others will be taken on the vehicle. Animals (dead or alive), fireworks, cutting instruments, or loud electronic equipment are not allowed on the bus.
5. Loud, boisterous talking, screaming, yelling, and eating will not be allowed.
6. No weapons are allowed on a school bus as defined in policy # 5144.
7. Students will not tamper with the emergency exits, fire extinguisher, or other safety equipment in the vehicle.
8. Respect pedestrians and occupants of other vehicles. Do not shout, make obscene signs, use profanity, or throw objects from the bus windows.
9. Students will not extend any body parts out of the bus.
10. Students will not litter the bus. Cans, bottles, cartons, etc., can cause falls.
11. Violations will be reported to the principal/designee and/or the director/assistant director of transportation, who will determine the appropriate disciplinary action and notify parents.
12. Students are required to exit the bus at their regular stop unless the student provides the driver with a Bus Pass signed by the principal or his/her designee.
13. Electronic monitoring/surveillance equipment is used on all buses.
14. Students will be disciplined when found to be in violation of any School Board policy or state statute. A copy of these policies and statutes is provided to each student and is available at each school building.