The Greater Clark County School Corporation Board of School Trustees consists of members that are elected by the voters in specified geographic districts throughout Clark County. Each board member is elected at-large for a four-year term during the November elections on even numbered years; however, the elections are staggered to provide continuity of leadership. Each January, the School Board selects its members to fill the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer offices. The Chief Executive Officer of the Board is the Superintendent of Schools.

Click the button below to watch the Live Stream of school board meetings, and click on a board member’s photo to send them an email.

Additional Information

Goals & Objectives
All schools will achieve and maintain an “A” rating as defined by the IDOE.
Create classroom environments where students engage in collaborative inquiry-based learning facilitated by educators who are able to use technology to transform knowledge and skills into solutions, new information, products.
We will maintain 100% market share of the Greater Clark school age population. Communicating, engaging, and developing partnerships with students, staff, and citizens to promote our mission of being the premier provider of education.
Develop creative financing opportunities to increase revenue and maintain fiscal accountability.
Prepare an updated facilities study and create an action plan for future renovations and maintenance.
Vision Statement
Greater Clark County Schools’ vision is to become nationally recognized as a premier provider of education by serving as the bridge connecting stakeholders to ensure all students are college and career ready.
Mission Statement
Greater Clark County Schools’ mission is for stakeholders to give 100 percent effort in meeting the academic and behavioral needs of each student ensuring acceptance to a post-secondary opportunity.
Belief Statement

We believe:

  • all students can learn and grow academically;
  • student achievement is our primary goal;
  • a value-added education for all students includes college and career (21st century) skills that are measured in a continuous improvement environment;
  • staff collaboration promotes the successful delivery of curriculum;
  • Common Core Standards empower children to compete globally;
  • effective teaching and authentic learning are measured in multiple ways, including genuine problem-solving, critical thinking skills, engagement in learning, ability to collaborate, and individualized teaching and learning styles;
  • in teaching students the social and ethical skills to be responsible citizens;
  • in maintaining and recruiting the most qualified staff to support increasing student achievement and providing an exceptional, mission-driven work environment that offers a competitive salary, strong, collaborative professional development within a culture of high expectations for all employees;
  • in educating our community regarding their important role in student achievement;
  • GCCS is built upon strong community relations aligned with the mission of the school system;
  • community relations require informative, positive internal and external communications, as well as opportunities for partnerships to support the education of our students;
  • the school corporation must be fiscally responsible to stakeholders by providing a balanced budget without compromising its focus on student needs and classroom instruction;
  • state-of-the-art technology which is integrated into the lives of students, teachers, staff, and parents enhances student learning and better prepares them to be competitive in the 21st century;
  • ECA programs offer students various methods to develop their talents, social skills, and extend learning opportunities beyond the classroom; and,
  • it is essential for Greater Clark to embrace diversity, regardless of ethnicity, ability levels, and socio-economic status.

We value:

  • and respect all personnel and inspire them to be the best they can be;
  • the staff’s commitment to the mission of the school corporation and service as role models for students by exhibiting respect, responsibility and honesty; and,
  • facilities that are safe, clean, inviting, up-to-date, and conducive to learning for all students.
Board Responsibilities

The Board of School Trustees’ responsibilities include the following:

    • Approving high-quality instructional programs for all students
    • Reviewing student progress
    • Reviewing the educational program
    • Appointing the Superintendent of Schools
    • Approving purchasing contracts
    • Approving contracts for new construction, renovation, and building additions
    • Ensuring that District practices and policies are in agreement with the Indiana Statutes
    • Establishing tax rates
    • Ensuring efficient operation of all schools
    • Performing all duties prescribed by the Indiana Statutes
    • Board members may not act independently as individuals on official matters. They may only act on Board-related decisions as a group during official meetings.


Meeting Information

Meetings follow a printed agenda that is available to the public on the Friday before the meeting and at the beginning of each meeting.

Most public meetings are held in the Board Room at the Greater Clark County Schools Administration Building, 2112 Utica-Sellersburg Road, Jeffersonville, unless otherwise posted. Executive Sessions are not open to the public.

Except for emergency Board meetings, public notice of the date, time and place of any meeting, executive session or any rescheduled or reconvened meeting is given at least forty-eight (48) hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) before the meeting.

Board Member Contact Information

Brian Jones — District 1



Katie Hutchinson — District 2



John Buckwalter — District 3



Tammy Mustain — District 4


Chelsea Crump — District 5


Keith Freeman — District 6



Teresa Bottorff-Perkins — District 7

(502) 594-2301

Speaking at a Board Meeting

To speak at a board meeting, please email Renee Markoski at or you may sign-up 15 minutes in advance of the start of the meeting.  We allow public comments on Agenda items only.

All speakers will be limited to 3 minutes.

For More Information, Click Here.

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