Inclement Weather

  • Inclement Weather

Inclement Weather Plan

Inclement Weather Transportation Plan 2024-2025 School Year

If weather and road conditions become bad enough to cause a change in the normal school schedule, one of the following plans below will be announced to the media on the morning in question. The district uses -10 degree wind chill as a starting point when considering a delay or closing of school due to temperature.

Weather Communication

A School Messenger notification will be sent regarding a delay or closing of school during inclement weather by 5:30 a.m. to staff members and 6:00 a.m. to parents/guardians. In the event that school is delayed and weather conditions deteriorate, an announcement to close schools will be made by 7:30 a.m. The district’s status will also be posted on our website ( and social media sites. Please do not call school offices or school employees because it ties up phone lines that are needed for emergency communications.

Plan 1: Two Hour Delay

a) School will begin two hours late. Buses will run two hours later on their normal routes.

b) Afternoon dismissal will remain the same.

c) The morning sessions of preschool programs will be canceled.

Plan 2: Schools Closed (these will be eLearning Days so no additional days will be added on)

a) No school will be open that day. This will be an eLearning Day.

b) School will be open the next scheduled day unless another closing announcement is made. During slick road conditions, bus drivers may decide, after approval by the Director of Transportation, that a portion of their route cannot be safely traveled. In such cases, every effort will be made to notify the affected homes. The following rules will apply for students whose bus did not run: a) Attendance will be taken and recorded with a notation that absence was due to no bus transportation. b) If the student has perfect attendance in progress for the year, he/she will remain eligible for the recognition.

c) All make-up requirements must be met. Inclement weather conditions sometimes cause buses to run late. Parents are asked to prepare their children to wait a reasonable amount of time for the bus and to be prepared for some variation in normal schedules.


Questions about these procedures may be directed to the school principal, or the Transportation Office (288- 4809). Thank you for your cooperation.

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