English Language Learners Program

Greater Clark County Schools has an extensive English Language Learner (ELL) Program available to provide a blended service model to meet the needs of all multilingual learners. We have eight program sites; Pleasant Ridge, Parkwood, Northaven, Jonathan Jennings, River Valley, Charlestown Middle, Jeffersonville High and Charlestown High. Our program model services include a pullout model provided for thirty to forty- five minutes daily for those multilingual learners whose proficiency level is at the entering or emerging stage. This model is geared for the intensive instruction of English language development lessons. The pullout instruction is delivered by certified ELL teachers. Multilingual learners who are developing and may be in expanding stages in their English Proficiency are supported through co-teaching models. Instruction is scaffolded and includes input from both the general education teacher and the ELL teacher. Planning and instructional delivery is based on the individual learning needs of each multilingual student. The co-teach model is an integrated system throughout the multilingual learners curriculum and school day. Our multilingual learner population continues to grow each year. At Greater Clark County, we continually evolve with the currently research-based best practices for all multilingual learners. We adhere to Indiana DOE English Learner and Migrant Education Programs as well as WIDA guidance.

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