High ability students have been identified and are receiving differentiated services in all GCCS elementary schools.
Each spring, nominations for placement of incoming 6th-grade students on the advanced teams take place. Identification for advanced classes is based on current achievement data, teacher recommendations, and classroom achievement. In addition, students’ scores at the 8th-grade are utilized for placement in advanced programming high school courses for the following school year. Student progress is reviewed each year.
Accelerated Language Arts Curriculum:
6th-grade high achieving and high ability ELA students are cluster-grouped. 7th- and 8th-grade high achieving and high ability ELA students are placed in advanced sections.
Students with a history of high academic achievement in middle school, as well as those identified as High Ability, are encouraged to attempt classes commensurate with their educational goals. Data from ACT testing is incorporated in advising students at this level.
Jeffersonville High School, Charlestown High School, and New Washington High School offer several options for highly motivated students who wish to achieve at a higher level than the standard curriculum affords. These classes are designed to develop skills necessary for success in college.
Those options include:
AP teachers continue to be involved in a “certification/registration” process with the College Board each year. AP teachers submit dates of AP training and their course syllabi and list of resources in order to be listed in an index of College Board authorized classes. The AP®/College Board Program is an established program which encompasses a nationally recognized, accelerated, college-based curriculum.
The number of students opting for higher level coursework continues to be on the increase. Additional sections of advanced classes are being added to meet the needs of our students. At the same time, our AP teachers are adding endorsements to their credentials through ongoing coursework at the university level.
The high schools offer a wide variety of courses featuring participation in the performing arts, student publications, media/communications, and art. These courses showcase the talents of Greater Clark’s secondary students. Students have also been provided opportunities for state & national competitions on these and other areas.
To access the detailed GCCS High Ability plan, please click the following link.
Services to the High Ability Provided by the Advanced Program Staff:
Additional Services:
Teacher Training:
Evaluations of the program for high ability may be conducted in a variety of ways. These may include:
To implement a differentiated curriculum, teachers need to use a variety of strategies with highly able students. In-servicing is provided teachers with the following strategies:
Pre-K – Grade 12
Gifted Program Standards