As a culminating acknowledgment of PRIDE©, Greater Clark County Schools created the Work Ethic Certificate, which is now the model for the Governor of Indiana’s Work Ethic Certificate. The certificate, which can be earned by seniors, is recognized by many area employers and organizations who provide specific benefits to seniors who have earned the certificate. To earn the certificate, a senior must possess PRIDE© skills, have 98 percent attendance, have no more than one behavioral referral, have six hours of school or community service, and graduate with at least a “C” grade point average.
In Greater Clark, we believe all students need to learn and master the work ethic skills necessary to succeed in school and in life. As a result, we have created a PRIDE© program that teaches and positively reinforces Persistence, Respectfulness, Initiative, Dependability, and Efficiency to all of our students on a daily basis from preschool through 12th grade. The PRIDE© program was developed by a team of educators in cooperation with business and community leaders. The goal of PRIDE© is to build students of strong character who will not only strengthen our school district but eventually our entire community.